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The purpose of this thesis is to document possible uses of population pyramids, along with enough examples and to create a tool that will automaticaly render population pyramids as a diagram on a specific location. To tool will be used as a part of ArcGis program.

As a solution for this task it was at first decided to create a Custom Feature Renderer, written in Java using ArcObjects Software Development Kit, that will be implemented into ArcGis in the Symbology tab of a layer. Unfortunately, there was not enough documentation covering creation of such complex renderer so his path has benn abandoned. As a second solution a script was created using Python language, that can be implemented to ArcGis as a toolbox. The script is creating the diagrams as a new layer in map, because it is not able to create graphics.

The Population Pyramid script creates diagrams from data obtained from the attribute table of a polygon or point layer. And draws them into the map using polygons for each age group on the specific location. Part of the attribute table of the new leyer is the value of the field the size of the polygon is based on, name of the column the value was gathered from and the relevance of the polygon for the right or left side of the diagram. The User is also able to choose between absolute or relative data visualization. In case of the relative, the script is recalculating all values as percent for each diagram.

As a part of this theses, there are maps presenting the possible uses of this script and the unfinished renderer. The script, testing data and presentation maps are all available on this web page.

2017 Vojtěch BEKÁREK| vojtechb@gmail.com | Katedra geoinformatiky | Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci